\n {residential && (\n <>\n {`${bedrooms} Bed / ${bathrooms} Bath `}\n {buildingId\n ? (\n \n {`at ${shortAddress}`}\n \n )\n : address}\n {' in '}\n {neighborhood.name}\n {', '}\n {region.name}\n {`. ${pets}. `}\n {subwayStops.length > 0 && (\n <>\n {'Nearby subway stations include: '}\n {subwayStops.map((stop, index) => {\n if (index === subwayStops.length - 1) {\n return ({`${stop.name} (${stop.lines.join(', ')}).`});\n }\n return (\n \n {`${stop.name}(${stop.lines.join(', ')}), `}\n \n );\n })}\n >\n )}\n >\n )}\n {description}\n {\n showRoomatesHelp && (\n <>\n {'We can help you '}\n find roommates\n {' on Nooklyn.'}\n >\n )\n }\n
\n\n { description }\n
\n )}\n\n {description}\n
\n \n See the rest of the neighborhood\n \n \nPrice | \nDate | \nChange | \n
{numberToCurrency(history.newPrice / 100)} | \n{strftime('%B %d, %Y', new Date(history.date))} | \n\n {history.price_change === -1\n ? 'Listed on Nooklyn'\n : numberToCurrency(history.priceChange / 100)}\n | \n
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\n\n With an account, you can save apartments, schedule apartment tours,\n message roommates and securely apply and pay for apartments. Nooklyn\n is trusted by over 50,000 renters and owners in NYC.\n
\n\n There are no\n {' '}\n {context}\n {' '}\n that fit your search.\n